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About Me

My Story


I am a very passionate person, I’m so passionate about health and all health’s aspects, whether it’s the food we eat, the movement of our bodies or the environment we live in. I started my path when I was young and had depression, that my psychologist prescribed me an anti-depressant. I was only 27 at the time. I took it for two months then I thought to myself: I’m only 27, this shouldn’t be the way, it’s not right. So, I stopped it at that very day, and started searching for alternatives.

A few weeks later, I was reading a woman’s magazine and I read about a lady who was having my same symptoms and she was talking about how she discovered she had a food allergy that caused her depression, and how she read a book that helped her to improve her mentality. I remember that day after I read the article, I closed the magazine and went directly to the bookshop and I was so lucky to find the same book that helped her, so I bought it and started reading it and applying all the principles to my diet.

After only four days of stopping my morning and afternoon giant glass of milk I could finally leave my bed fresh and full of energy without any sign of depression whatsoever…. And that started my journey…


I knew then that food has more to it than what the majority of people think. It’s not just a source of energy and a way to survive; but it’s a mean to nourish all our cells, all kinds of cells, our brain cells, our eyes cells, our internal organs cells, and whatever we put in our mouths becomes part of these cells. We put garbage, we got garbage cells, we put high quality, we get high quality cells. So, I decided that this is what I want to do in my life, I want to study nutrition and help people to improve their health through food as I did.

It took me four years to graduat from nutrition school, and I started soon after to see clients; I was living in Dubai at the time, so most of my clients were women in their middle age. Shortly I started to notice that when I’m improving people’s diets, they would have huge improvements in their health and then they would have a plateau, no matter how hard they try to overcome it, it was so difficult to do so.

So I was back to google again in the search for something else, what is missing? There should be something more to do…

I had a friend at the time, who was interested in energy healing, she studied few modalities and was so much passionate about practicing what she is learningl; so I went to see her and asked more details about what she is doing. The idea of energy balancing was so appealing for me. There are lots of factors that influence what we choose to eat, when and why… so from my point of view, we need to address all these factors if we are using the nutrition therapy for healing. I did some research, and I found Kinesiology Touch for Health modality. And it was love at first sight. This is what I was looking for.
Through Kinesiology we can clear all the negative emotions, we can balance the imbalanced body to bring it back to the state of wellbeing, and we can help the clients achieving their goals by repatterning the brain, and make the brain work for the body instead of working against it.
When I started learning Kinesiology and understanding its concepts and strength, I couldn’t stop. I did more than 25 courses learning more than 5 modalities, so I can give the body a balance in more than 60 different ways. Biochemical balance, REST, brain repatterning, childhood reflexes, adults’ reflexes, vibrational balance, and in-depth.

It’s exactly like the art of tailoring a balance that is as much suitable and detailed for my client’s needs.

Sandy Gannon

I had the opportunity to study with many great teachers through the years. I did many courses with Sandy Gannon, from the UK, she is such an amazing teacher and a big inspiration, I studied vibrational medicine with her and the five elements in depth

Dr. Paul Denisson

I did Muscles Re-education with the amazing Dr. Paul Denisson, the founder and creator of Brain Gym® Edu-K. he taught me that we need always to work on the muscles, as our muscles hold all our bad memories, negative emotions and sad experiences; causing pain, and malfunction.

Dr. Henry Remanly

I studied childhood reflexes with Clair Hawking from Australia, I have learned a lot from her regarding children and their early developing years. I also noticed how powerful it is to work with children as in this case we give them the chance to have an easier educational experience, and a strong push into their future.

I also had the chance to meet Dr. Henry Remanly, a specialized in Chinese Medicine, and Brain Gym® instructor, where I had the chance to learn the in-depth balances, where we balance the body on seven levels.

My Experience

I started working with Kinesiology Dubai, right after I got my certificate from IKC, as a Kinesiology Touch for Health practitioner, for two years and then I worked alone for another two. I saw lots of clients, and worked with people from different backgrounds, and different ages. Men, women and children. I was so impressed when I saw how powerful this stuff is, and how much I could impact people’s lives.

I helped solving lots of issues: from simple problems like fear of test or exams, to big stuff like OCD and depression, and all in between. Digestive issues, sleeplessness, take important decisions in life, improve immunity, food cravings, etc.

Live a Healthy Life in a Balanced Body

I am a very passionate person, I’m so passionate about health and all health’s aspects, whether it’s the food we eat, the movement of our bodies or the environment we live in.
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